Ilford XP2 recipe for Fuji cameras
This is a shameless plug for the hardworking Ritchie Roesch over at Fuji X Weekly. I have enjoyed this film sim so much that it has become the only way that I shoot in mono on my X100V…I was already shooting Acros (R) 100% of the time and this is a very well refined version of that. I will typically over expose by 2/3 to 1 stop if I want bloom in the highlights, and under expose by 2/3 to 1 stop if I want to preserve highlights…2 stops if I want the subject in silhouette.
Film Sim: Acros (R)
Monocromatic Color: WC 0 MG 0
Grain Effect: Strong Small
Color Chrome Effect: Off
Color Chrome FX Blue: Off
White Balance: 10000K, R:7, B:7
DR: DR400
D Range: off
Tone Curve: H:-1, S:+4
Color: 0
Sharpness: -2
Noise Reduction: -4
Clarity: 0