Stop feeling like a failure! Creative ruts are a blessing in disguise.

I have seen so many people lament on social media and various creative forums that they find themselves in a period of lulling creativity, and they proceed to guilt themselves over it, feeling like they are a failure because of it.

Of course, I’ve fallen victim to this mindset, and the most recent example sparked a reframing of the situation for me. By viewing our creative lulls as a quiet time that allows time and space for fresh ideas to appear and percolate, we can shift our feelings about these lulls into a more positive place.

Often, our best ideas come to us in those down periods…that’s what shower thoughts are! You have a moment of quiet and a new bolt of inspiration can hit in an unexpected moment, instantly launching you down a new path of creation.

In this short video, I reflect on those feelings, the reframing I try to use, and how we can see this downtime as a blessing in disguise. Thanks for reading and watching!


Poem Nº five


Photography Hack: The Art of Noticing